What Can I Do For The Lord?
What Can I Do For The Lord?
1. Become acquainted with the brethren by showing them hospitality.
2. Encourage or compliment someone.
3. Call another Christian on the phone and talk to them about a scripture.
4. Lift up some hands that are hanging down (someone discouraged) Heb. 12:12
5. Put away bitterness towards someone and forgive them.
6. Hand out some tracts, flyers or correspondence courses
7. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.
8. Pray with another Christian or another Christian family.
9. Attend the worship services; help other Christians worship God.
10. Read the Bible to an elderly person.
11. Visit the sick, elderly, or shut in.
12. Be hopeful.
13. Help with building maintenance.
14. Replace complaining with expressions of joy and thanksgiving.
15. Show mercy and patience towards a brother or sister.
16. Put away questionable practices of worldliness.
17. Start saying, “Lord willing” when speaking of the future.
18. Invite someone to worship with us.
19. Talk to your children and grandchildren frequently about Jesus.
20. Sacrifice in your giving to further the gospel.
21. Pray for the work of this congregation.
22. Write a letter of encouragement to a preacher and his family.
23. Determine to improve your singing or teaching ability or improve another talent of service.
24. Examine yourself and let Jesus change some part of your character in order to follow more closely in His steps.
25. Begin a family night of worship once a week.
26. Make it a point to talk about spiritual things after worship.
27. Learn a new song and share it with other Christians.
28. Take your Bible to work and read it at lunchtime.
29. In the name of Jesus, give someone “a cup of cold water” (the down and out) according to Matt. 25:31-46
30. Come to worship with a smile.
31. Tell someone about Jesus.
- Marcus Reppert