Each of the gospel accounts confirm that on the cross upon which Jesus was crucified, this inscription was made, a title, an accusation. Jesus made the claim that He was the King of the Jews. This was His rightful title and a truthful one, but it goes beyond that.
When the angel announced to Mary that she would deliver the Son of God (Luke 1:26-38), she was told that He would be given the throne of David, reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom would see no end.
A couple of years after Jesus was born, wise men from the east visited Herod to inquire about the newborn King of the Jews’ whereabouts (Matt. 2:1-8). After that encounter Herod plotted to have Him destroyed to secure his power (Matt. 2:16).
Herod’s evil plot failed and Jesus grew up, became a man, began His ministry, performed many wonderful miracles, taught marvelous truths, and prepared His disciples for the coming of His Kingdom.
What wasn't realized by most is that Jesus did not care about political position, He had no interest in physical Jerusalem, nor in the physical throne of David. Jesus came to Earth to live a perfect life and die an agonizing death to make atonement for the sins of not only the Jews, but all nations.
All who breathe the breath created by God now have access to the Father by obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ. When Jesus ascended to Heaven to be inaugurated as Head of the Kingdom, he received all nations as His inheritance. Jesus is the King of any and all that submit to His Lordship.
That's what makes Jesus different from other kings and that’s what makes His kingdom different than earthly kingdoms. Earthly rulers reign over those who dwell in their country whether the individual desires to be subject or not, but those in the Kingdom of Messiah, New Jerusalem, the Church of Christ, are subjects by choice.
Do you want to be added to the kingdom? Are you sure that you are part of the kingdom? There is only one way to do that. Obey the gospel of Jesus Christ today!
- Eric Bullock, Evangelist